Margarete Jahrmann

  • Universität für Angewandte Kunst Wien
  • Experimental Game Cultures

Fachwissen Und Kompetenz

AssemblageSpielforschungSpieldesignInteraktive KunstSpieltheorieSpielzeugdesignPerformanceHirnforschungAugmented Reality (AR)Elekronische MedienInterventionistische KunstMedienkunstVirtual Reality (VR)Künstlerische Leitung


  • Rosenbursenstraße 3 (Georg-Coch-Platz 2) - 1.OG
  • 1010 Wien


Margarete Jahrmann, is a ludic artist and artistic researcher, drawer and writer, full university professor and head of the 2021 newly founded Department EXPERIMENTAL GAME CULTURE at the University of Applied Arts Vienna. As PI she launches 2023 The Psycholudic Approach (FWF/PEEK) and lead 2021-2023 the interdisciplinary project Neuromatic Game Art: critical play with neurointerfaces (FWF/ PEEK), both funded by the Austria Science Fund. Especially with the neuromatic project she created a series of artworks dealing with play, ludic method and neurointerfaces. She publishes and curates international game art exhibitions and supports artists and researchers in projects such as 2023-2024 “NEST. XenoLudic games and nonhuman intelligence” with Tamás Páll Hollow Group. Currently, she curates international exhibitions with students for AMAZE and hosts international Ludic Method Soirées with students and international speakers. In her arts she explores experimental systems, AI, cognitive, emotional and political conditions of games, world and society. Play is her central principle. Her awards include the prestigious prix ars electronica for interactive art in 2003, the Berlin transmediale software arts award in 2004, and the Media Art Prize of the City of Vienna in 2020. In her collaborative and interdisciplinary artistic practice, she developed a specific ludic method for artistic research and arts. In playful installations she explores the human and non- human, cognitive, emotional and political conditions of games, world and society. Her artistic focus is on performance and installation pieces that explore AI, facial recognition and neuro-interfaces in play as a central principles. Selection of Exhibitions 2023 RE:Publica Berlin: KOPFGELD currency converter. 2023 AMAZE Playful Media Festival Berlin: A[I] MAZE Ai Installation. 2023 OHO Galerie: AI Labyrinth, full life size labyrinth Installation/Soloshow. 2022 Parallel Vienna, Kopfgeld Intro. 2022 Havana Bienal de la Habana: Odradek/ NUBES MENTAL de Juego. 2022 [Artificial Museum] Mindworm: Narrenturm. Augmented reality piece. 2021 Festspielhaus Hellerau, Dresden, Hybrid Play Festival: Mindclouds Collective stage play 2021 Vienna Artweek/ Medienwerstatt: Pink Noise Brain Jam session 2021 CIVA Contemporary immersive Arts Festival Vienna/ AAA ThP Massive Multiplayer Online Game for EEG and non humans 2020 Parallel Vienna: Verräumlichtes Game: Installation mit Gesichtserkennung zum DIskriminierungs Bias. 2019 Art|Sci Center Los Angeles (CNSI): Augmented Reality Installation AAA 2018 Amaze Playful media festival Berlin: Neuroflow Game Release und Arcade Spielkonsole mit Emotive. 2017 AIL Galerie Handelskai Wien: AI Game mit Gesichtserkennung. I want to see Happy Monkeys. 2017 Ars electronica Linz: Transparente AI Installation. I want to see Angry monkeys. (Die Arbeiten wurden in folgenden Kollektiven erstellt: Neuromatic Game Art Group/ Area7Lab/ Ludic Society u.a.) Neuromatic Game Art

