[A]I MAZE. Das Spielerische AI Labyrinth.

  • Installation


Stefan Glasauer , Margarete Jahrmann


AI face recognition, Installation, Fotospiel


Jahrmann, M, Glasauer, S, Luif, G, Moswitzer, M (2023). [A]I MAZE. Das Spielerische AI Labyrinth. Installation. A MAZE. 12th International Games and Playful Media Festival Berlin During the 12th International Games And Playful Media Festival (A MAZE.) a compact version of the [A]I Maze installation was shown. It included the face recognition system, a face transformer (“Protesterface”) and thermal printer that output a new objective (real world) according to your classification. The face recognition system detects players using a Single Shot Multibox Detector (SSD), showing a score of each face which corresponds to the probability of the bounding box surrounding them showing a face. With these 68 point face landmarks we use an actual face recognition network to compare the detected face to existing faces in our database – and recognize existing visitors. https://amaze-berlin.de


  • Bild
Veröffentlicht Von: Margarete Jahrmann | Universität für Angewandte Kunst Wien | Veröffentlicht Am: 06. Februar 2024, 15:26 | Geändert Am: 06. Februar 2024, 15:27