Neuromatic Game Art. FWF PEEK. AR 581

  • Critical Play with Neurointerfaces as New Form of Media Art.
FWF PEEK Projekt


Margarete Jahrmann , Universität für Angewandte Kunst Wien


Prof. Dr. Mark Coeckelbergh, Universität Wien. , Stefan Glasauer, Computational Neuroscience, Brandenburg University of Technology, Cottbus, Germany


01. März 2020–01. Oktober 2023


Neurosciences, EEG Electroencephalogramm, meditation, play, performance, game, Game Art


2019-2023 Neuromatic Game Art - Critical Play with Neurointerfaces as New Form of Media Art. FWF/PEEK, PrincipaI Investigator, Margarete Jahrmann University of Applied Arts Vienna. This project (AR 257) was funded by the FWF/ PEEK, AR 581. INTERNATIONAL PARTNERS Mark Coeckelbergh Stefan Glasauer TEAM Margarete Jahrmann (Project Lead/ pricipal investigator) Georg Luif Thomas Wagensommerer Charlotta Ruth Zarko Aleksic Ludic experiments form a new genre of “neurogames”. The transformative potential of experimental play is used for a practical and a theoretical discourse on publicly conducted artistic experiments on the inner states of life, thinking and self. The research question addresses the social implications of emerging technologies of neuro-interfaces as instruments of play in Experimental Game Culture environments. Neurosciences and philosophy of technology frame the arts pieces developed as research artefacts, with professional and consumer brain scan devices, professional EEG (Electroenzephalogrammetry) and meditation devices as source for artefacts. Neuromatic Play. KOPFGELD and other experiments. Outcomes of the Neuromatic Game Art project. Margarete Jahrmann, head of Experimental Game Cultures, dieAngewandte Wien. Over a period of four years, from 2019 to 2023 as part of the FWF funded project Neuromatic Game Art: Critical Play with Neurointerfaces we undertook a series of experiments. Its focus was on making a research processes publicly visible and to show how any artistic player can appropriate medical or scientific devices as means of expression. Our original idea shifted over the course of the research. We embraced emerging developments in Artificial intelligence in relation to the personal data collected and given by many players on “free will” to achieve a state of personal optimization and flow. Starting research in a triangle formed by philosophy, neurosciences, and game arts, it ended up in a deeply intertwined ludic method on experimental systems in a world of permanent change. Our outcomes were continuously published in the form of game installations and performances. The essential „findings“ were the development of a new experimental Ludic method to playfully handle advanced brain computer interfaces and the discourse of ethical dimensions of the collection of personal data for AI training. An unexpected outcome were drawings. It became important in the course of the Neuromatic Game Art project. For each artistic research work, I created a drawing that evolved out of our lab meetings. We used these as concept sketch, stagerider and teaser for further ideas. Named thanks go to the research partners, the famous philosopher and AI ethicist Mark Coeckelbergh, the excellent neuroscientist Stefan Glasauer, and the reknown media artist Ruth Schnell. Indispensable were the contributions of philosopher Anna Dobrosovestnova, performer Charlotta Ruth, artist Louise Linsenbolz, neuroscientist Zahra Shirzhiyan, artist-philosopher and author Žarko Aleksić, neuroscience fellow Imani Rameses, and the core team consisting of Georg Luif as experimental game developer, Thomas Wagensommerer as artist and performer. Artist and Ludic Society co-founder Max Moswitzer joined us in the finalisation phase and contributed with his beautiful sense of wondering. Finally, despite great differences in approach and training a fantastic research team of artists, philosophers and neuroscientists gathered, and all were open enough to play together. THANK YOU LUDIC PLAYERS!








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Veröffentlicht Von: Margarete Jahrmann | Universität für Angewandte Kunst Wien | Veröffentlicht Am: 09. Mai 2022, 11:46 | Geändert Am: 08. Februar 2024, 14:48