Liddy Scheffknecht
- Universität für Angewandte Kunst Wien
- Kulturwissenschaften
Skills and Expertise
PhotographyInstallationInterventionist ArtLight InstallationMedia InstallationMedia ArtSpatial InstallationVideoVideo InstallationAddress
- Vordere Zollamtsstraße 7
- 1010 Wien
- E-Mail:
- Website:
Activity List
- Broken Flowers - (Solo Exhibition), (artist), 2023
- The Fest - Zwischen Repräsentation und Aufruhr (Group Exhibition), (artist), Museum für Angewandte Kunst, Wien, Österreich, 2023, 2022
- Wenn der Wind weht - (Exhibition), (curator, contributor), 2022
- SPARK Art Fair 2022 - (Art’s Fair), (artist), Marx Halle, Wien, Österreich, 2022
- nine to five - (Solo Exhibition), (artist), Weikendorf, NO, Österreich, 2022, 2021
- Unerkannt - Bekannt - Zeitgenössische Kunst aus einer Ostschweizer Sammlung (Group Exhibition), (artist), Kunstmuseum Appenzell, Appenzell, AI, Schweiz, 2022, 2021
- Heimspiel - (Group Exhibition), (artist), Kunstraum Dornbirn, Dornbirn, VO, Österreich, 2022, 2021
- Jubiläumsausstellung - 25 Jahre Kunstforum Montafon, 2. Teil (Group Exhibition), (artist), Schruns, VO, Österreich, 2022, 2021
- Review Corona - (Group Exhibition), (artist), Bregenz, VO, Österreich, 2022, 2021
- Solar Habitat - (Group Exhibition), (artist), Enzesfeld-Lindabrunn, NO, Österreich, 2021
- Would You Be Available - (Group Exhibition), (artist), 2021, 2020
- NOW - (Group Exhibition), (artist), Bank Austria Kunstforum, Wien, Österreich
- Borderland - (Group Exhibition), (artist), Fotogalerie Wien im WUK, Wien, Österreich, 2021, 2020
- dimensions - (Solo Exhibition), (artist), 2020
- Attempt at Rapprochement - (Group Exhibition), (artist), Georg Kargl Fine Arts, Wien, Österreich, 2020
- Löcher, die nicht einmal der Schnee zudeckt - (Group Exhibition), (artist), vorarlberg museum, Bregenz, Österreich, 2020
- fake & fragment - (Group Exhibition), (artist), 2020
- pictorical space - (Solo Exhibition), (artist), MuseumsQuartier, Wien, Österreich, 2020
- Parallel Vienna - (Art’s Fair), (artist), 2019
- Heimspiel - (Group Exhibition), (artist), Appenzell (Schweiz), 2019, 2018
- points in time - (Solo Exhibition), (artist), Wien (Österreich), 2019, 2018
- Plinque Projéction II - (Exhibition), (artist), Paris (Frankreich), 2018
- mirage - (Solo Exhibition), (artist), Bregenz (Österreich), 2018
- A Recollection of Resonances - (Group Exhibition), (artist), Linz (Österreich), 2018
- Concentration - a tribute - (Group Exhibition), (artist), Wien (Österreich), 2018
- Art & Football - (Group Exhibition), (artist), Baku (Aserbaidschan), 2018
- Reduction - (Group Exhibition), (artist), Wien (Österreich), 2018
- don’t call it off-space! - (Group Exhibition), (artist), Wien (Österreich), 2017
- You want truth or beauty? - (Group Exhibition), (artist), Saalfelden (Österreich), 2017
- Licht 2017 - (Group Exhibition), (artist), Graz (Österreich), 2017
- SALE ON-SITE - (Group Exhibition), (artist), Lustenau (Österreich), 2016
- Dream Argument - (Solo Exhibition), (artist), Saalfelden (Österreich), 2016
- Die Welt im Spiel - (Group Exhibition), (curator), Graz (Österreich), 2016
- Aus der Sammlung: Landschaft - (Group Exhibition), (artist), Linz (Österreich), 2016
- Hybrid (...) Scapes - (Group Exhibition), (artist), Nida (Litauen), 2016
- solar days - (Solo Exhibition), (artist), Bludenz (Österreich), 2016
- FILTER - (Group Exhibition), (artist), Schruns (Österreich), 2016
- v_are - (Group Exhibition), (artist), Wien (Österreich), 2016
- sciography - (Solo Exhibition), (artist), Wien (Österreich), 2016
- Landschaft: Transformation einer Idee - (Group Exhibition), (artist), Graz (Österreich), 2016, 2015
- le clair – obscur - (Group Exhibition), (artist), Viry Chatillon (Frankreich), 2015
- Rewind / Replay - (Group Exhibition), (artist), Lustenau (Österreich), 2015
- (O)budowa, Liddy Scheffknecht, Jan Mioduszewski - (Group Exhibition), (artist), Warschau (Polen), 2015
- Transparency - (Group Exhibition), (artist), Wien (Österreich), 2015
- Double-Faced Imagery – A Fugue - (Group Exhibition), (artist), Wien (Österreich), 2015
- shift - (Solo Exhibition), (artist), Wels (Österreich), 2015
- PLASTICITY - (Group Exhibition), (curator), Wien (Österreich), 2015
- SilvrettAtelier 2014 - (Group Exhibition), (artist), Feldkirch (Österreich), 2015
- Random thoughts of a daily light - (Group Exhibition), (artist), Wien (Österreich), 2015
- Blow Up - (Group Exhibition), (artist), Berlin (Deutschland), 2015
- Schneesalon - (Group Exhibition), (artist), Wien (Österreich), 2015
- Blow Up - (Group Exhibition), (artist), Winterthur (Schweiz), 2014
- PARA - (Group Exhibition), (artist), Wien (Österreich), 2014
- Querschnitt – Zeitgenössisches Kunstschaffen aus und über Dornbirn - (Group Exhibition), (artist), Dorbirn (Österreich), 2014
- Blow Up - (Group Exhibition), (artist), Wien (Österreich), 2014
- How long is now? - (Group Exhibition), (artist), Burghausen (Dänemark), 2014
- Keep in Touch - (Group Exhibition), (artist), Wien (Österreich), 2014
- côté interieur - (Group Exhibition), (artist), Innsbruck (Österreich), 2014
- Inattentional Blindness - (Group Exhibition), (artist), Istanbul (Türkei), 2014
- Kardinal König Kunstpreis - (Group Exhibition), (artist), Salzburg (Österreich), 2014, 2013
- How long is now? - (Group Exhibition), (artist), Wien (Österreich), 2013
- spot - (Solo Exhibition), (artist), Wien (Österreich), 2013
- Über das Scheitern - (Group Exhibition), (artist), Salzburg (Österreich), 2013
- Phantoms & Ghosts - (Group Exhibition), (artist), Wien (Österreich), 2013
- The Intransigent Ticket – The Artist as a filter - (Group Exhibition), (artist), Los Angeles (USA), 2013
- Pli selon Pli - (Group Exhibition), (artist), Paris (Frankreich), 2013
- Elastic Video - (Group Exhibition), (curator), Wien (Österreich), 2013
- Elastic Video - (Group Exhibition), (artist), Wien (Österreich), 2013
- /TILT/ - (Group Exhibition), (artist), Österreich, 2013, 2012
- Licht - (Group Exhibition), (artist), Schruns (Österreich), 2013, 2012
- eleven minutes twenty seconds - (Solo Exhibition), (artist), Graz (Österreich), 2012
- 4. International Sinop Biennale - (Group Exhibition), (artist), Sinop (Türkei), 2012
- Parcours - (Group Exhibition), (artist), Österreich, 2012
- The Digital Uncanny - (Group Exhibition), (artist), Oldenburg (Deutschland), 2012
- Sence - (Solo Exhibition), (artist), Maribor (Slowenien), 2012
- Genius loci - (Group Exhibition), (artist), Klaipéda (Litauen), 2012
- Celeste im Berg - (Group Exhibition), (artist), Innsbruck (Österreich), 2012
- This is Happening II - (Group Exhibition), (artist), Wien (Österreich), 2012, 2011
- Donetsk goes Contemporary - (Group Exhibition), (artist), Donetsk (Ukraine), 2011
- Meet everyone at once, start an artist-run-space - (Group Exhibition), (artist), Sofia (Bulgarien), 2011
- It’s OK, they live here - (Group Exhibition), (artist), Nida (Litauen), 2011
- Space Odyssey - (Group Exhibition), (artist), Linz (Österreich), 2011
- KALEIDOSKOP - (Group Exhibition), (artist), Wien (Österreich), 2011
- Bubblegums - (Solo Exhibition), (artist), Mailand (Österreich), 2011
- Liddy Scheffknecht, - (Solo Exhibition), (artist), Wien (Österreich), 2011
- Kuckucksei - (Group Exhibition), (artist), Wien (Österreich), 2011
- Elastic Video - (Group Exhibition), (curator), Tokio (Japan), 2011
- Elastic Video - (Group Exhibition), (artist), Tokio (Japan), 2011
- Mathias Garnitschnig, Claudia Larcher, Liddy Scheffknecht - (Group Exhibition), (artist), Stuttgart (Deutschland), 2011, 2010
- HAPPY HOUR - (Group Exhibition), (curator), Wien (Österreich), 2010
- HAPPY HOUR - (Group Exhibition), (artist), Wien (Österreich), 2010
- Bernd Oppl, Liddy Scheffknecht - (Group Exhibition), (artist), Linz (Österreich), 2010
- Qui vive, 2nd Moscow International Biennale for Young Art - (Group Exhibition), (artist), Moskau (Russ. Föderation), 2010
- Mathias Garnitschnig, Claudia Larcher, Liddy Scheffknecht - (Group Exhibition), (artist), Dornbirn (Österreich), 2010
- Austria la vista, baby - (Group Exhibition), (artist), Athen (Griechenland), 2010
- Petit Plinque - (Group Exhibition), (artist), Wien (Österreich), 2010
- Fine Line - (Group Exhibition), (artist), Wien (Österreich), 2010
- WIR WOHNEN - (Group Exhibition), (artist), Wien (Österreich), 2010
- Plinque Meringue - (Group Exhibition), (artist), Wien (Österreich), 2009
- Biennale of Young Artists of Europe and the Mediterranean - (Group Exhibition), (artist), Skopje (Nordmazedonien), 2009
- UnORTnung V - (Group Exhibition), (artist), Wien (Österreich), 2009
- Take Aways - (Solo Exhibition), (artist), St. Gallen (Schweiz), 2008
- Jeune Création 2008 - (Group Exhibition), (artist), Paris (Frankreich), 2008
- expanded lines - (Group Exhibition), (artist), Salzburg (Österreich), 2008
- whiteout - (Solo Exhibition), (artist), Paris (Frankreich), 2008
- GAMES. Kunst und Politik der Spiele, Kunsthalle Wien - (Group Exhibition), (artist), Wien (Österreich), 2008
- Wonderland - (Group Exhibition), (artist), Paris (Frankreich), 2007
- Première Vue - (Group Exhibition), (artist), Paris (Frankreich), 2006
- Ghostscap - (Group Exhibition), (artist), Poissy (Frankreich), 2004
- The Essence - (Group Exhibition), (artist), Wien (Österreich), 2002
- Wenn der Wind weht - (Exhibition Catalogue), (author, editor), Berlin, Deutschland, Boston, MA, USA, 2022
- Wind! Vom ästhetischen Nutzen der Bewegung der Luft - (Edited Volume), (editor), Wien, Österreich, 2021
- Das Medium Luft – Luft als Medium - Zur Ausstellung Wenn der Wind weht (Chapter), (author, editor), Berlin, Deutschland, Boston, MA, USA, 2022
- Spiele im Ersten Weltkrieg. Bilder einer imaginären Ausstellung 1 - (Chapter), (author), Frankfurt / New York (Deutschland), 2015
- Spiele im Zweiten Weltkrieg. Bilder einer imaginären Ausstellung 2 - (Chapter), (author), Frankfurt / New York (Deutschland), 2015
- Outstanding Artist Award für künstlerische Fotografie - (Prize), (winner), 2022
- 20 Seconds for Art - Kurzfilmwettbewerb (Prize), (winner), 2019
- Grenzen - Kurzfilmwettbewerb (Prize), (winner), 2019
- NWW Design Award - (Prize), (winner), Österreich, 2017
- Bundesatelier Westbahnstraße - (Prize), (winner), Österreich, 2013
- Fördergabe Land Vorarlberg - (Prize), (winner), Österreich, 2011
- Adlmüllerstipendium - (Prize), (winner), Österreich, 2003
- minus20degree - Festival for Art & Architecture (Festival), (artist), Flachau, Österreich, 2020
- Heinz Bayer: Die äußerst raffinierten Schattenspiele der Frau S., - (Newspaper Review), (mention), Salzburg (Österreich), 2016
- Dream Argument - (Newspaper Review), (mention), Österreich, 2016
- Karlheinz Pichler: allerArt Bludenz: Liddy Scheffknecht und Marbod Fritsch. - (Newspaper Review), (mention), Österreich, 2016
- Ariane Grabher: Die mit dem Sonnenlicht spielt. - (Newspaper Review), (mention), Österreich, 2016
- Christa Dietrich: Zwei Mal bei Licht betrachtet - (Newspaper Review), (mention), Österreich, 2016
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