Handle with CARE?
- 03 July 2024 14:00–18:00 Universitätsstraße 7, Wien, Österreich (Neues Institutsgebäude (NIG), Hörsaal A (HS A), Institut für Kultur- und Sozialanthropologie, Neues Institutsgebäude (NIG), 4. Stock)
CARE-Principles, Archive Studies, Information Systems, Bilddaten, Digital Ethics, Digital Humanities
Handle with CARE? Opportunities and challenges for ethical and sensitive handling of research data Workshop organised by the Ethnographic Data Archive (eda) together with the Ethnographic Collection of the InsHtut (ESKSA) The demands on research and research data are becoming ever greater. So is the effort involved. Especially in cultural and social anthropology, where data is not only generated by the people being researched, but also together with them. This entails great responsibility. Especially when dealing with sensitive data, data from violent, colonial and racist contexts. The CARE principles (CollecHve Benefit, Authority to Control, Responsibility, Ethics) for indigenous data are increasingly being used as a solution for all these ethical issues. They were conceived and developed by Indigenous acHvists for Indigenous data only. Can these principles be applied to other, non-indigenous data? If so, how? How can we conduct research and collect and archive data in our field ethically, respectfully, collaboraHvely and for the common good? Are there other approaches? And how do we deal with our existing data? Whether and how can this data be decolonised and reused? Who owns the data? In lectures by ChrisHan Huber and Ingolf Ortner on the topic "Beware! Take CARE! Reflections on the pracHcal handling of sensitive data in research data management" and by Veronika Kocher on "IMAGE+ and the pracHcal applicaHon of CARE Principles in the handling of image material in repositories", these questions will be examined and then discussed. Subsequently, practical examples from the ethnographic data archive, the ethnographic collection of the InsHtut für KSA or from participants will be used to discuss what possibilities there are to handle research data in a good and ethical way.
IMAGE+ and the question of the practical application of CARE Principles in dealing with image material in repositories In recent years, a debate has become increasingly public: How to deal responsibly with racist or discriminatory content? Whether it is the toppling of public statues of human traffickers, the handling of well-known children's books that are republished and undergo a revision or works of art whose racist titles are revised in digital databases and labelled with an asterisk barrier - a change in the handling of this content can be observed. Collecting, preserving and researching resources is designed to preserve them and, in accordance with textual autonomy, to depict them as they present themselves - as a reflection of a society. In this way, however, the exclusive and discriminatory aspects of a society find their way into the historically evolved world of libraries, archives, collections and databases and can be used here without further comment. In libraries, archives and museums, too, the question must therefore be asked as to which methods should be used so that racist and discriminatory content is no longer reproduced. To what extent and in what form can archival structures be made more diverse and up-to-date, and how can other societal perspectives be represented? At the same time, however, a conflict with the established self-image of these institutions seems unavoidable.
- Universitätsstraße 7, Wien, Österreich
- Universitätsstraße 7
- 1010 Wien
- Österreich
Associated Media Files
- Document#1