PARALLEL Vienna 2017
Art Fair
19.09.2017 - 24.09.2017
- Participating Instiutions
- Praxis des 21. Jahrhunderts / Trilemma
- Philomena+
- Malz.Space
- Horizont Galeria
- Format(*.strk)
- Fondazione Malutta
- Produzentengalerie Wien
- Galerie Kai Erdmann
- Galerie Lisa Kandlhofer
- Avramidis / Kaletsch / Spasovski
- Long Loud Silence
- TOBE Gallery
- Galerie SPZ
- Contemporary Art Advisors
- Instant Edition Raum für aktuelle Editionen
- Galerie 2C for Art
- Contemporary Art Advice CAA
- Polarraum für Kunst der Gegenwart
- flux 23
- Everybody Needs Art
- ZETA Art Center & Gallery
- Artemons Contemporary
- Hinterland Galerie
- New Jörg
- Aa Collections
- Gallery On The Move
- Büro Weltausstellung
- galerie bechter kastowsky
- Wiener Art Foundation
- Studio Mühlgasse
- Galerie Elisabeth & Klaus Thoman Wien
- Galerie Zimmermann Kratochwill
- Anzenberger Gallery
- artdepot
- flat 1
- Nitsch Foundation
- Judith Ortner / Ortner 2
- periscope project space
- ST/A/R Zeitung Verein für Städteplanung / Architektur / Religion
- Galerie Bernard Jordan Paris
- bäckerstraße4 Plattform für junge Kunst
- art united
- kunstraum Lakeside
- Galerie Frey Wien
- b a s e m e n t wien
- MAM Mario Mauroner Contemporary Art Wien
- Galerie Gans
- Krinzinger Projekte
- Gabriele Senn Galerie
- Schule für künstlerische Photographie
- Galerie Peithner-Lichtenfels
- Galerie Karenina
- Galerie Rhomberg
- Galerie Judith Walker
- Galerie 3
- Galerie Steinek
- kunstbuero
- Charim Galerie Wien
- Galerie Lisi Hämmerle
- Description
- Parallel Vienna is taking place for the fifth time in Vienna and sticks to its approach of using abandoned property in the city centre as a presentation platform for young and established art. This year Parallel Vienna is using the premises of the “Alte Sigmund Freud University”, Schnirchgassse 9A, in the third district as a platform for contemporary art, thereby creating a unique framework. Parallel Vienna presents young and aspiring as well as established artistic practices and gathers art initiatives of every kind – art associations, galleries, project spaces, curated project spaces and artist spaces – all under one roof. Parallel Vienna therefore combines local artistic creation with international trends and contributes to the active networking of young creatives by establishing a professional platform for them. Parallel Vienna 2017 is a hybrid between art fair, exhibition, gallery and studio. As a meta-organisation whose do-it-yourself (DIY) principle translates into the infrastructure of the artistic institution, the exhibition platform manages itself: a trading centre for new ideas and a dedicated testing ground for self-professionalisation. The Parallel Vienna is a curated art fair and the curatorial team invites every year selected galleries, artists, curators and project spaces. [Quelle:]
- Unique ID
- e:crmGyEomRA6Tfj3DqxFCNo
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Neustiftgasse 5/11
1070 Wien
Show Map and Address
