Zum ethischen Umgang mit ethnographischen Repositorien:

  • Neue Herausforderungen durch Künstliche Intelligenz

Location, Date

Online, Wien, Österreich, 14 August 2024


Artificial Intelligence, Repositories, Library Science, Anti-Discrimination Law, CARE Principles, Copyright, Image Processing, Forschungsdatenmanagement, Digitales Publizieren, Digital Humanities, Digitisation



Using the example of the estates of the Austrian ethnographer Werner Finke (1942-2002) and the German-speaking cultural and social anthropologist Walter Dostals (1928-2011) at the Institute of Social Anthropology of the Austrian Academy of Sciences (ÖAW), ethical aspects of dealing with ethnographic repositories and new issues in the context of artificial intelligence (AI) will be discussed. The process of publishing digital copies of such collections is often associated with complex challenges, particularly with regard to legal and ethical issues. The use of AI further exacerbates these issues. The discussion about moral responsibility and the content-related considerations that must be made when an institution publishes sensitive image and data sets appears in a new context against the backdrop of the rapid spread and use of AI.

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Published By: Veronika Kocher | Universität für Angewandte Kunst Wien | Publication Date: 18 April 2024, 08:19 | Edit Date: 15 August 2024, 09:26