Workshop & Roundtable zur Diskussion der CARE-Prinzipien und von ethischen Anforderungen in den Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften



Universitätsbibliothek Graz


  • 28 November 2024–29 November 2024 13:30–15:30 Elisabethstraße 59, Graz, ST, Austria (Institut für Digitale Geisteswissenschaften, Universität Graz)


CARE-Principles, Library Science, Anti-Discrimination Law, Forschungsdatenmanagement, Digital Humanities, Informationsethik


Abstract As part of the conference, the CARE working group is offering a roundtable/workshop to discuss the possibility and necessity of clearer strategies for adhering to the CARE principles and ethical requirements when handling digital data from the humanities and social sciences, especially ethnographic data. The CARE working group, which emerged from the network for repository managers (RepManNet) in June 2023, specialises in the ethical reuse of digital image material and other research data in online databases. Participants of the working group will briefly discuss various issues and challenges that can be categorised under the conference topics of technology, networks and sustainability. After a brief general introduction of the working group, the submitters will give keynote speeches on the different topics and subject areas: 1. Accessibility and use of sensitive data 2. Gaps in historical collections and the handling of missing declarations of consent 3. Digital media literacy and its importance 4. Ethics in the age of artificial intelligence (AI) 5. Discriminatory terminology and classifications Subsequently, initial proposals for addressing these challenges, particularly at the university/institutional level, will be presented. An extensive discussion with all interested parties and attendees will serve to collect thoughts and perspectives for a conceptual expansion of the planned strategy paper.


Widorn, Verena , Eva Stockinger , Astrid Poyer , Veronika Kocher , Igor Eberhard



  • Elisabethstraße 59, Graz, ST, Austria
  • Elisabethstraße 59
  • 8010 Graz
  • Austria

Associated Media Files

  • Image
  • Document
  • Document
Published By: Veronika Kocher | Universität für Angewandte Kunst Wien | Publication Date: 03 December 2024, 15:05 | Edit Date: 03 December 2024, 15:23