Cinema Brut or: How to Get Low Enough



  • 01 April 2006–


Arts, Media Research, Semiotik, Film


IV Magis/Gradisca International Film Studies Spring School „Cinema and Contemporary Visual Arts“, March 31 – April 9, 2006 The concept of Cinéma Brut does not suppose a semiotic practice without a code or some kind of „naturalized“ filmmaking. What is rather at stake here are cinematic practices, that advance by material based procedures, to achieve a fall into the informe. There are different strategies: „Lowering“ can be achieved by technical means (i.e. by using low tech or simply the human body), by provoking intentionally a state of impairment in the material or by employing obsolete, rotten or decaying film strip.

Title of Event

IV Magis/Gradisca International Film Studies Spring School „Cinema and Contemporary Visual Arts


University of Udine
Published By: Gabriele Jutz | Universität für Angewandte Kunst Wien | Publication Date: 09 May 2022, 10:41 | Edit Date: 24 November 2022, 09:04