Kim Knowles: British Structural-Materialism.

  • From the 1960s to the Present
Guest Lecture



  • 04 June 2013 Universität für angewandte Kunst in Wien, Wien, Österreich


British Experimental Film


This lecture will outline some of the major characteristics of British Structural-Materialism as it developed in the 1960s, paying particular attention to works produced at the London Filmmakers Co-op by artists such as Lis Rhodes, Malcolm Le Grice, Guy Sherwin, and Annabel Nicolson. We will be looking at the ways these filmmakers foregrounded process as a way of challenging conventional illusionism. The lecture will also track the development of this approach, assessing its continued relevance in contemporary analogue filmmaking.


Kim Knowles



  • Universität für angewandte Kunst in Wien, Wien, Österreich
  • Oskar-Kokoschka-Platz 2
  • 1010 Wien
  • Österreich
Published By: Gabriele Jutz | Universität für Angewandte Kunst Wien | Publication Date: 09 May 2022, 10:49 | Edit Date: 24 November 2022, 09:12