The Camp as Site and Stage



  • 17. September 2020–19. September 2020 Köln, Deutschland


Vortrag im Rahmen des Panels "Creativity, Human Precariousness and Migratory Aesthetics - Cultural Perspectives on the Refugee Camp" (mit Eckehard Pistrick und Emilie Delage): In many moving image productions (from documentary film to video art to TV production, music video and feature fiction) the refugee camp features as a site/location or as the stage for the "formatting of migration on screen" (Kuster 2018). In this presentation I want to look at how these sites/stages produce, feature and modulate time as figuration (also in the sense of Norbert Elias as network): as the time of “transit” – the passing through – and of waiting, but also of the doubling of time, of speed, of loopholes and of escape. Examples will include "Lumière Noire" by Med Hondo (1994), "Rien ne vaut que la vie, mais la vie même ne vaut rien" by Brigitta Kuster with Moïse Merlin Mabouna (2002/2003), and "Waiting" by Rashid Masharawi (2005).

Titel der Veranstaltung

3. Konferenz des Netzwerks Fluchtforschung: Kontexte von Flucht, Schutz und Alltag Geflüchteter


Netzwerk Fluchtforschung




  • Köln, Deutschland
  • Köln
  • Deutschland
Veröffentlicht Von: Nanna Heidenreich | Universität für Angewandte Kunst Wien | Veröffentlicht Am: 09. Mai 2022, 10:51 | Geändert Am: 24. November 2022, 09:09