Facts of Mind / Fictions of Matter. Vever (for Barbara)
- 14. Februar 2019– Berlin, Deutschland
Gespräch mit Deborah Stratman im Rahmen von Think:Film No. 7 „Archival Constellations“ bei Forum Expanded, Berlinale. What does it mean for a filmmaker to engage with the material of another filmmaker, especially if it comes from another time, was shot at a place that is unfamiliar to her, and shows people she doesn’t know? What got inscribed into the images when they were created? How do we appropriate images that have been stuck in the dead end of history for a long time? Deborah Stratman brings past perspectives into the contemporary moment in a montage of footage from an unfinished film by artist Barbara Hammer with evocative sound, texts, and teachings from artist Maya Deren. VEVER (FOR BARBARA) poetically draws connections between three generations of women filmmakers who separately, and now together, have taken on unknown challenges, and opened themselves up to reinterpretation in their filmmaking practices.
- Nanna Heidenreich - Gespräch
- Berlin, Deutschland
- Berlin
- Deutschland