Trigger the Score. Follow the Link.

  • Interview with Moritz Nahold and Kenneth Constance Loe


Moritz Nahold , Kenneth Constance Loe , Jazmina Figueroa , Denise Helene Sumi


Interview, Sound, Poetry, Algorithm


How can the close collaboration between sound artist and composer Moritz Nahold, and artist, writer, and performer Kenneth Constance Loe subtly challenge the concept of a straightforward algorithm, writing or composing by blurring and slipping the boundaries between input and output, embodiment and AI, text and sound through applying personal experiences and references? The project Ghost in the Cog: A Poetic Score invites users to activate a poem as a score by reading and playing it with no clear set of rules, and get lost in sound and webspace. The interview was conducted by Jazmina Figueroa and Denise Helene Sumi.


  • Bild
Veröffentlicht Von: Denise Helene Sumi | Universität für Angewandte Kunst Wien | Veröffentlicht Am: 11. Februar 2024, 16:02 | Geändert Am: 22. Februar 2024, 17:35