Wolf Mangelsdorf
First part of the seminar is a compact lecture series, which will provide a fast paced recap and overview of the principles of structural design and its application using well know illustrative examples. Following that, students will, in group work, analyze the structural systems and performance of a suitable built example - We will provide a choice of buildings for… 2024W, wissenschaftliches Seminar, 3.0 ECTS
Wolf Mangelsdorf
2025S, wissenschaftliches Seminar, 3.0 ECTS
Andrei Gheorghe
Integration of Structural design concepts into the architectural project. One to one tutorial based on appointment. Appointment managed through a google calendar run by Andrei Gheorghe. Appointments on Wednesday afternoons. Appointment length 20 minutes. 2024W/2025S, wissenschaftliches Seminar, 3.0 ECTS
Wolf Mangelsdorf
In the following you find outlined what we expect from the integration of structural design into your project and from your submission. Each student is free to give certain aspects of the integration of structural design priority. However, there should equally be consistency in the level of conceptual structural design across the entire project. Structure is a key part of… 2024W/2025S, wissenschaftliches Seminar, 3.0 ECTS
Wolf Mangelsdorf
The production of most of our current building materials requires large amounts of energy and produces unsustainable levels of carbon emissions. What are the emerging alternatives? What are the new materials that are being researched and tested? More importantly, what impact do they have on the tectonics of our buildings. What are the structural constraints and opportunities, and what does… 2024W, wissenschaftliches Seminar, 3.0 ECTS
Bernhard Sommer
Das Wetter ist ein deterministisch chaotisches System und in der Folge ist die Aufgabe einer nachhaltigen Gestaltung der Umwelt hochgradig komplex, die Umwelt inklusive des menschlichen Tuns, ein hochgradig komplexes System. Es gibt keine letzt- oder allgemeingültige Bewertungsschema für die ökologische Verträglichkeit von Gebäuden oder gar städtebaulichen Entwicklungen, dazu erscheint das Thema zu komplex. Es gibt aber eine hinreichende Anzahl… 2025S, wissenschaftliches Seminar, 3.0 ECTS
Sophie Grell-Prix
Course Overview: The seminar “Team Building Mediation” delves into the topics of mediation and team building, offering a comprehensive approach to understanding and managing interpersonal conflicts in organizational and creative contexts. The focus of this lecture is on exploring the dynamic interactions among team members in architectural projects. Teamwork is a fundamental element of the architectural creative process, as projects… 2024W, wissenschaftliches Seminar, 2.0 ECTS
Clemens Preisinger
In diesem Seminar beschäftigen wir uns mit der Anwendung numerischer Simulationsmethoden und den mathematisch - physikalischen Grundlagen auf welchen diese basieren. Der inhaltliche Schwerpunkt liegt im Bereich der Tragwerksanalyse. Nach einer Einführung in die grundlegenden Prinzipien der Computerprogrammierung erfolgt die Erstellung selbstgeschriebener Simulationsroutinen. 2024W, wissenschaftliches Seminar, 3.0 ECTS
Tulay Atak
Theory of Arch 1 presents a survey of architectural theory from around 1970ies to this day, with an emphasis on contemporary developments since the nineties. The course will focus on questions of disciplinarity, form, mediums and media, as well as political, environmental and technological issues facing architecture today. In order to trace the transformation of thought, we will discuss each… 2024W, Vorlesung und Diskussion, 2.0 ECTS
Tulay Atak
2025S, wissenschaftliches Seminar, 3.0 ECTS
Tulay Atak
Ongoing group and individualdiscussions for developing a diploma thesis in architecture with a focus on architectural theory. 2024W/2025S, wissenschaftliches Seminar, 3.0 ECTS
Andrea Börner
2025S, wissenschaftliches Seminar, 3.0 ECTS
Florian Medicus
Introduction into 'Structural Design' as an essential aspect of materialization in general and fundamental application within Industrial Design. 2024W, Vorlesung und Übungen, 2.0 ECTS
Andrea Börner
Urban Strategies Integration provides a framework for articulating and deepening an urban / landscape aspect of the pre-diploma project. In group discussions and individual meetings, students are guided through the process of formulating and testing a hypothesis by anchoring their reasoning in related discourses on a relevant focus of their choice. Note: Individual projects do not have to tackle large-scale… 2024W/2025S, wissenschaftliches Seminar, 3.0 ECTS
Andrea Börner
In lectures, readings and discussion, and by means of selected examples, common paradigms of urbanized landscapes and their spatial organizational principles are critically reflected in order to reassess their relevance with regard to current dynamics. 2024W, wissenschaftliches Seminar, 3.0 ECTS
Baerbel Mueller
2025S, wissenschaftliches Seminar, 3.0 ECTS
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