Friedl Dicker-Brandeis

  • Works from the Collection of the University of Applied Arts Vienna
Edited Volume


Laura Egger-Karlegger , Stefanie Kitzberger , Eva Marie Klimpel , Johnson, Julie , Noemi Scherrer , Christian Scherrer , Hamida Sivac , Cosima Rainer , Rehm, Robin , Bernadette Reinhold , Stöppel, Daniela , Wigley, Mark


Stefanie Kitzberger , Cosima Rainer , Schädler, Linda

Location, Date

Berlin, Deutschland, Boston, MA, USA, 2023


Art History, Art Theory, Contemporary History



The work of Friedl Dicker-Brandeis (1898–1944) occupies a key position in the broader history of the Austrian avant-garde while also deepening our understanding of modernism. Her work covers an impressive range of media and genres in the visual and applied arts. Influenced by her studies at Vienna’s Kunstgewerbeschule (which later became the University of Applied Arts Vienna), the Itten Private School, and the Bauhaus in Weimar, she worked as a painter, stage designer, architect, designer in Vienna and Berlin, in exile, and as a deportee. This book explores the heterogeneity of Dicker’s work, reconstructs her artistic strategies and references to aesthetic and political discourses from the 1920s to the 1940s, and documents for the first time her works in the collection of the University of Applied Arts Vienna.

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Published By: Stefanie Kitzberger | Universität für Angewandte Kunst Wien | Publication Date: 09 October 2022, 11:14 | Edit Date: 24 November 2022, 09:12