Technotopia: A Media Genealogy of Net Cultures
Verlag, Datum
Rowman and Littlefield International, 2017
Media Theory, Network Cultures, Digital Media, Media Genealogy
- 9781786603135
Many technologies and practices that define the Internet today date back to the 1990s – such as user-generated content, participatory platforms and social media. Indeed, many early ideas about the future of the Internet have been implemented, albeit without fulfilling the envisioned political utopias. By tracing back the technotopian vision, Clemens Apprich develops a media genealogical perspecive that helps us to better understand how digital networks have transformed over the last 30 years and therefore to think beyond the current state of our socio-technical reality.This highly original book informs our understanding of new forms of media and social practices, such that have become part of our everyday culture. Apprich revisits a critical time when the Internet was not yet an everyday reality, but when its potential was already understood and fiercely debated. The historical context of net cultures provides the basis from which the author critically engages with current debates about the weal and woe of the Internet and challenges today\textquoterights predominant network model.
Sprache, Format, Material, Ausgabe/Auflage
Englisch, Media Philosophy
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