The modern, de-gendered kitchen and the (in)visibility of housework. Magarete Schütte-Lihotzky, the Frankfurt kitchen, and the consequences
- 25 October 2022– Buenos Aires, Argentinien
Art History, Gender Studies, Cultural Studies, Contemporary History
Culinary rituals or how to organize a synaptic collection of thoughts in images from an interdisciplinary collaboration Rituales culinarios o cómo organizar una colección sináptica de pensamientos en imágenes a partir de una colaboración interdisciplinar Faculty of Architecture, Design and Urbanism. University of Buenos Aires Conference – online, October 25, 2022, 05.45 – 7.15 pm Table coordinators: Mara Sánchez Llorens - Universidad Politécnica de Madrid María Jesús Huarte, Architect Associate Professor Urban and Architectural Project, Faculty of Architecture, Design and Urbanism. University of Buenos Aires The lectures will be held in Spanish and English.
Because of the new scenarios of virtual teaching during the Covid-19 pandemic, eight female university professors from different disciplines in Europe and South America (Argentina, Austria, Spain, Uruguay) agree to revise their educational strategies and research methodologies with one premise: to jointly organize a collection of multi-categorized images about the environments of certain culinary rituals, based on the kitchens designed by three precursor architects. To carry out an action-research on the topic in a virtual collaborative platform. To reflect on the cultural diversity and social character of our discipline, emphasizing its precise character with documents and works from different origins. To glimpse new learning for change from case studies such as the kitchens designed by Grete Schütte-Lihotzky, Lina Bo Bardi and Charlotte Perriand.
We propose a synaptic workshop as a line of university, poly-geographic and multidisciplinary collaborative work and we formulate a model of data collection in strata that reformulate the research of the participants and from which we will obtain variables, with which to build a document according to the characteristics of the elements studied. These values may vary depending on the variable and the situations that the researchers want to consider. We use a platform to visualize multiple approaches, formal reformulations, continuities and transformations of the theme, encouraging an iterative debate. As in the "Warburgian" methodology, we constantly interrogate the sources brought by the participants. First, we incorporated graphic documents and texts into the virtual board with justification. We organized them according to the aforementioned variables: image, language, montage, action, design, ritual, object and imaginary, and we established connections between categories, generating new interpretations. Convinced of thinking in images as a synthesis of visuality and culture, this experiment verifies the alignment between academia and practice, teaching and learning from travel, travel and everyday life such as culinary rituals. This way of thinking through forms of photography, ethnographic drawing, and other graphics, generates a collaborative associative iconology necessary to reformulate the research processes in an era of excess of sources where reflecting on the discourses generated is the path proposed from these collections of images of culinary rituals.
Programm María Jesús Huarte y Luciana Levinton (Buenos Aires, Argentina) La mesa, un territorio en el tiempo Comunicación, Línea Temática 1, arquitectura, mobiliario moderno, domesticidad minima, pintura, dibujo Bernadette Reinhold (Austria, Viena) The modern, de-gendered kitchen and the (in)visibility of housework Comunicación, Línea Temática 1, arquitectura, mobiliario a medida, trabajo mensurable, cocina laboratorio Fermina Garrido López y Mara Sánchez Llorens (España, Madrid) Rituales expandidos: viajes y docencia. El ritual del té en la casa Study #8 Comunicación, Línea Temática 1, rituales domésticos, viaje, laboratorio creativo, docencia, entornos virtuales Alma Varela Martínez, María Amado Mannise y Lucia Bogliaccini Faget (Uruguay, Montevideo) Cocinar en pandemia. Notas sobre usos y prácticas proyectuales de nuestro habitar Paper, Línea Temática 1, arquitectura, ollas populares, cocina, género, triángulo culinario Mara Sánchez Llorens y Fermina Garrido López (España, Madrid) La cocina de la Casa de Vidrio de Lina Bo Bardi: arquitectura vital y rituales culinarios a partir de la medida humana y el hábitat Paper, Línea Temática 1, rituales domésticos, cocinas, medida humana, hábitat, Lina Bo Bardi Mara Sánchez Llorens y Fermina Garrido López (España, Madrid) Los rituales que traje de mis exploraciones: el viaje como laboratorio Paper, Línea Temática 1, rituales domésticos, viaje, laboratorio creativo, cocinas, entornos virtuales Live Streaming - You Tube channel Research Conference and the Regional Meeting ( news_section_links Trailer: YouTube-Kanal: Jornadas Secretaría de Investigaciones FADU - UBA Website: Jornadas de Investigación y Encuentro Regional YouTube: Vortrag zum Nachsehen
Title of Event
Rituales culinarios o cómo organizar una colección sináptica de pensamientos en imágenes a partir de una colaboración interdisciplinar / Culinary rituals or how to organize a synaptic collection of thoughts in images from an interdisciplinary collaboration

Activity List
- Mara Sánchez Llorens - Organisation
- Jesus Maria Huarte - Organisation
- Buenos Aires, Argentinien
- Argentinien
Associated Media Files
- Image#1