Fairlytale hour

Künstlerische Studie


Lisa Kielmeier

Datum, Ort

  • 2023


The taste of smoked sausage in combination with some dry farmhouse bread is reminiscent of days long gone. My father's mug is a witness to this time. Story time. Memories pile up, exist side by side, on top of each other and in parallel. Expandable and changing for the rest of our lives. Changing their appearance depending on the perspective. Do you also believe that memories can become fairy tales that you tell yourself?

Veröffentlicht Von: Lisa Kielmeier | Universität für Angewandte Kunst Wien | Veröffentlicht Am: 26. April 2024, 19:22 | Geändert Am: 05. Februar 2025, 11:10