Grandmother’s Hands

  • Earrings


Christina May Yan Carli

Datum, Ort

  • 2020, Wien, Österreich


3D-Druck, 3D-Technologie, Schmuck, Design, Objekt, Produktdesign


Universität für Angewandte Kunst Wien


As an iterative process, the works of ‘Grandmother’s Hands’ and 'Gestures of Empathy' were created between the years 2020 and 2022. The inspiration came from a memory shared by a participant of the workshop 'A Room Full of Stories' during the pandemic. This memory evoking a recollection of a woman's experience with her grandmother in the kitchen during her childhood. She vividly remembered the details of the place, the smell of food, and the background noise of the radio. Most of all, she remembered laying her head on her grandmother’s lap, feeling the soft but creased hands stroking her head. Now a grandmother herself, she noticed similar creases on her own hands, reminiscent of her grandmother's. With her permission, Carli took an alginate impression of her hands, casted them in plaster, 3D-scanned them, and created miniature versions of the hands as earrings in transparent resin. Despite the delicate appearance, the expressions conveyed by their gestures were distinctly visible.

Material, Format

transparent resin

Veröffentlicht von: Christina May Yan Carli | Universität für Angewandte Kunst Wien | Veröffentlicht am: 27. Februar 2024, 09:34 | Geändert am: 05. Februar 2025, 11:08