Backyard Economy. Perspectives on Marginalization in Art and Economy

Zeitschrift (peer-reviewed)


Vishmidt, Marina , Rose-Anne Gush , Wasana Handapangoda , Nieslony, Magdalena , Lucie Pia , Stefanie Kitzberger , Tischer, Jenni


Stefanie Kitzberger , Tischer, Jenni

Ort, Datum

Online, 2024



Backyard Economy. Perspectives on Marginalization in Contemporary Art and Economy is part of a teaching collaboration between Jenni Tischer and Stefanie Kitzberger at the University of Applied Arts Vienna. The project took early Marxist-feminist theories and approaches of institutional critique as points of departure for investigating how contemporary artistic practices engage with ongoing processes of the gendered and racialized de-valuation of reproductive labor and the economic conditions of structural invisibility, marginalization and precaritization inside and outside of the cultural field. The issue no. 73 (2024) of the online journal FKW – Zeitschrift für Geschlechterforschung und visuelle Kultur documents a picture spread of the eponymous 2022 exhibition at University Gallery Heiligenkreuzerhof, and includes four essays and an artist’s edition.

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Veröffentlicht von: Stefanie Kitzberger | Universität für Angewandte Kunst Wien | Veröffentlicht am: 13. Februar 2024, 09:13 | Geändert am: 05. Februar 2025, 11:10