Zentrum Fokus Forschung

Contact Details
tel: +43-1-71133 2820
e-Mail: zff@uni-ak.ac.at
Website: zentrumfokusforschung.uni-ak.ac.at
The function of Zentrum Fokus Forschung is to develop projects in post-graduate research areas of art and science (research projects, incl. projects evolving from the Artistic Research PhD Programme) and to support significant developments of art and science in general. The Zentrum Fokus Forschung is a unit – complementarily to existing departments – at the University of Applied Arts Vienna in which independent artistic research is generated and connected; artistic work thereby is regarded as the basis of knowledge production, of course in a productive relation towards existing ways of knowledge development, as they have been established in other fields of research. The aim is to generate fresh knowledge regarding specific issues in the arts by providing an adequate institutional focus, to contextualize artistic research and to adequately communicate results in both national and international artistic environments. The Center’s core task is to coordinate and develop research activities. As a matter of principle, research in the sense of comprehensive knowledge production is open to any outcome, everything is possible.
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1020 Wien


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