Balkan Art Generator


02.06.2000 - 02.07.2000

Participating Instiutions
Performing Arts Centar MULTIMEDIA
Contemporary Arts Center
The main goal of the project was intended towards exchange of projects and creation of new partnerships among the cultural istitutions from the Balkans and the cultural institutions from Western Europe. Around 20 multidisciplinary cultural institutions from: Croatia, Bosnia Herzegovina, Jugoslavia (+ Montenegro and Kosovo), Albania, Bulgaria and Macedonia took part in this project. Representatives of all the included institutions took part in Shortcut meeting in Brussels 2000. The coordinator of Balkan Art Generator, as a part of the program culture Capital of Europe - Brussels 2000, was PAC Multimedia. Each of the institutions was represented by one artist (the artists came from different fields of visual arts - installation, new media, performance, video projections, graphics, painting, sculpture, etc.) and their artworks. Each of the participant countries contributed with two institutions and two artists. The project ended with a collective exhibition BALKAN ART GENERATOR, on 2nd June 2000 in Brussels, within the bounds of Shortcut Brussels 2000. The exhibition lasted one month - until 2nd July 2000. (Presseinformation: PARC Multimedia Skopje)
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