The Death Wish of the Self-Realizer / Part 2


06.08.2016 - 21.08.2016

gottrekorder e.v.
Vinyl 7´ & 12´ in cooperation with Helene Baur, Joachim Baur, Christian Egger, Michael Gumhold, Nicolas Jasmin, Slobodan Kajkut, Josef Klammer, Robert Lepenik, Philipp Moosbrugger, Michael Part, Michael Petrowitsch, David Reumüller, Jochen Summer, Jasmin Trabichler, Octavian Trauttmansdorff, Christian Weissenberger, Mads Westrup, Heimo Zobernig The Death Wish of the Self-Realizer / Part 2 Let's die! I don't know any better! The death wish as desire in consummation. Thus desiring as the end itself, as its own consummation and origin, as living surrogate (surrogate in the world) in place of a death outside the world. Thus to die in life without death, before the end of life. The death wish and its music - together with a distorted death wish; for example, that of the smoker. In relation to its music the death wish has yet another variant. Whereas for the smoker the death wish is a real, ongoing dying during the time of life, whose completion is death and not consummation, the death wish in music is considered the consummation of the work. The point. Music is a mixture of stupid and intelligent (like every art), interlocking like cogs. And this mixture must be 'enunciated', that is, 'articulated'! It is not merely a concept of structures, tension, chaos (not something we don't understand because it is too complex, or because it fails to formulate any kind of complexity); not merely a striving after order that dissolves and consummates itself in its realization, but rather more than this, a surveying of realities (consummated) for a time! Thus, for a certain time, for the duration of a work, of the piece of work, it, this mixture, is the world (the inventory of the world). (It, this mixture, is) everything that is there and not there and yet resonates! And this is all in all, partaking, encompassing - in the accepting and in the giving sense of being human. In one and another person at the same time, and in many. In one another, but in each pulsatingly existent! As real hallucination / idea of the world! For the world is everything that is accepted and perceived / held to be true! 'The being' of having, the being of that which is possessed, and even if only for an instant! Let it be noted that this momentary having is always the only true being, for everything that we seek to hold beyond this (its) time, to manifest, is already no longer true - is a lie and a dying and belongs to death, to the coming and the going. (This lie is a problem of the instantaneous musical experience downstreamed in convolutions of the brain and its communication with itself; the so-called 'conscious being' in the head. Unwitting and yet again and again deliberate, self-conscious. This musical experience in the moment of the piece: in the moment of the experience of the piece. For even if it, time-displaced, is again retrievable, then only as a defective copy by comparison with the originary momentary character of the musical experience, the self-experience in the musical moment. Therein lies the 'downstream problem' of the back-and-forth (brain) windings. There is thus dying and death once as 'true' and once as 'lie'. Once as quality and then (the repeated time) as quantity / quantitative experience or re-experience or copy of an experience (sample). Whereby the experience in the moment is true, and as enduring phenomenon and as repetition a lie! The lie is an assumption (for the duration) against our better 'knowledge', this 'knowledge' being equivalent to the moment of taking as true in perception. Thus music as faith instead of religion. Religion says: Let's believe we don't die! Music says: Let's die! I don't know any better (than to believe in ... at the moment)! B ..but you can't always get what you want ..forever [Quelle: Einladung]
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