Orientation Tutorial

Kyra Leah Krencioch
Institut für Kunst und Gesellschaft, Cross-Disciplinary Strategies
2024W, Übungen (UE), 2.0 ECTS, 2.0 SemStd., LV-Nr. S05326


The Orientation Tutorial is an introduction to the University´s infrastructure. Together we will tour ‘Die Angewandte’ - specifically artistic workshops. All participating workshops & studios will introduce their workplace infrastructure and available possibilities for courses and projects. We will learn about the variety of expertise and support the different workshops offered to the students at Angewandte. The course will also help you to better find your way around the university buildings and workshops. 

As a final project, students will make an (artistic or design-related) workpiece of their choice with one of the workshops. 

This course is specifically designed for new students of the Cross-Disciplinary Strategies Department - both first-year Bachelor and Master students are welcome to participate in the tour.

Since there are two courses on base for the orientation tutorial, please register for only one of them! Anyone whose last name begins with a letter from A-M register with Kyra Leah Krencioch. Anyone whose last name begins with a letter from N-Z, please register with Sanea Hertlein. The two courses will be held at the same time.


Participation and presence during the tour as well as a workpiece in collaboration with a workshop.


Note: Only CDS Bachelor students can formally register and receive ECTS for this course. Students from other faculties or universities will receive a place according to the course capacity.


tutorial, orientation, Orientierungstutorium, orientation tutorial


Von 05. September 2024, 00:00 bis 07. Oktober 2024, 00:01
Per Online Anmeldung

Cross-Disciplinary Strategies (Bachelor): Begleitung und Reflexion: Orientierungstutorium 700/006.01

Mitbelegung: nicht möglich

Besuch einzelner Lehrveranstaltungen: nicht möglich