Introduction to Academic Working

Birgit Peterson
Institut für Kunst und Gesellschaft, Cross-Disciplinary Strategies
2024W, Vorlesung und Übungen (VU), 2.0 ECTS, 2.0 SemStd., LV-Nr. S04472


Within this Lecture we will dive together deeper into the meaning of “Academic working” especially in cross-disciplinary circumstances.

Which skills do you have to develop to cope with the affordances of Academia? How to foster a successful “academic working behaviour” that satisfies the requirements of different academic disciplines and sciences you will come along within this study program?

Throughout our Sessions we will check out different survey- and reading-techniques and writing strategies, and apply them on different academic purposes and to create different types of text.

We will focus on unterstanding the main elements and epistemiological paradigmes within disciplines and discuss what it means to work, think and solve problems within disciplines or in inter-, or transdisziplinary contexts.


The final grade will consist of at least 17 tasks to be completed:

About one half of the tasks (9) will be done throughout interactive methods "in class", the other assignments (8+) should be completed between the lectures.

To finish this lecture with a positive grade,  you have to accomplish at least 5 "in class tasks" and 5 assignments.

To achieve the best grade, you have to take part successfully in 8 "in class tasks" and complete all 8 assignments in time.





07. Oktober 2024, 09:30–12:00 CDS Lecture Room
21. Oktober 2024, 09:30–12:00 CDS Lecture Room
11. November 2024, 09:30–12:00 CDS Lecture Room
18. November 2024, 09:30–12:00 CDS Lecture Room
02. Dezember 2024, 09:30–12:00 CDS Lecture Room
09. Dezember 2024, 09:30–12:00 CDS Lecture Room
13. Jänner 2025, 09:30–12:00 CDS Lecture Room
20. Jänner 2025, 09:30–12:00 CDS Lecture Room
27. Jänner 2025, 09:30–12:00 CDS Lecture Room


Von 26. August 2024, 00:00 bis 07. Oktober 2024, 20:41
Per Online Anmeldung

Cross-Disciplinary Strategies (Master): Studienfelder 4-6: Studienfeld 5: Kommunikations- und Kooperationsstrategien 569/022.05

Cross-Disciplinary Strategies (Bachelor): Wissenschaft und Technologie: Grundlagenphase: Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten 700/002.11

Mitbelegung: möglich

Besuch einzelner Lehrveranstaltungen: möglich