Machining PRAXIS in Architecture 1

Afshin Koupaei
Institut für Architektur, Digitale Produktion
2024W, wissenschaftliches Seminar (SEW), 4.0 ECTS, 2.0 SemStd., LV-Nr. S04297


The Machining PRAXIS in Architecture (MPA) course series explores the applications of computer numerically controlled (CNC) machines and machining technologies in architectural design and fabrication. Each year, students focus on a specific core subject for two semesters, learning the course’s objectives through the challenges presented by that subject. Core subjects are selected based on their relevance to architectural design and their potential for further investigation in real-scale architectural projects. MPA aims to enhance students' abilities to integrate machining into the design process and effectively engage with materials during design, fabrication, and assembly.  

The first semester (MPA1) focuses on developing individual skills and projects, while the second semester (MPA2) emphasizes collaborative projects, advancing students' fabrication knowledge through the process of creating a 1:1 installation or pavilion.

MPA 1, focuses on 3-axis machining, and its applications in design-through-making. Students will learn to choose appropriate materials, machining tools, and operations to achieve the required quality and accuracy. They will examine various machining processes during the course and learn about the opportunities and limitations that machining imposes on the design. This will help them design more fabrication-aware and efficient.  

Winter Semester of 2024/25

For the Winter semester of 2024/25, MPA will focus on machining-based wood joinery. Initially, students will examine both traditional and modern wood joinery systems, incorporating the machining techniques learned throughout the course. They will then develop their systems, refined for and based on machining.

 The course will cover the following objectives:  

- The process of making, from CAD to CAM to Machining  

- Machining strategies

 - Materials for machining  

- Machining tools  

- Architectural Manufacturing through machining  

- 2 Axis and 3 Axis machining (file making, utilizing machines)

- Precision tolerances in machining  

- Collaborative machining and manufacturing  

- Safety regulations for machining


Students are evaluated based on their progress during the course, attendance at seminars and critique sessions, and the following criteria:

  • Ability to prepare machining files independently without critical mistakes.
  • Proficiency in using machining tools and running machining files on the milling machine.
  • Successful preparation and development of their wood joinery system.
  • Successful delivery of the final 1:1 joinery system developed during the semester.
  • Active participation in the course and completion of in-course assignments.


Important Notes:

  • It is highly recommended for students to take this course during one of their first four semesters.
  • To participate in MPA 2, you need to successfully finish MPA 1.
  • participation in this course is compulsory for those who want to become a Milling Assistant/Tutorat one of the Architecture Studios of the IOA (Studio 1,2,3). Please note that participation does not guarantee your chance of becoming a milling assistant.
  • Are you a student from disciplines other than Architecture and wish to participate in this course? please write to me in advance ( I will evaluate your skills and base knowledge to make sure the course could benefit you, and you are welcome to participate afterwards.

Requirements :

HARDWARE: Participants are required to bring their own laptops or computers; co-working or sharing a laptop is not permitted. Each participant must have their laptop or workstation available at the course location, as they will need to create files during course hours.

SOFTWARE: Participants must have Microsoft Windows installed on their computers due to plug-in requirements.

SOFTWARE: Participants should be familiar with Rhino and capable of handling 3D modelling tasks in Rhino.


09. Oktober 2024, 10:45–12:15 Seminarraum 3 , „Kick-Off , Participation is mandatory !“ (Vorbesprechung)
30. Oktober 2024, 09:45–14:00 Seminarraum 35 , „includes 30 Minutes break“
13. November 2024, 09:45–14:00 Seminarraum 3 , „includes 30 Minutes break“
27. November 2024, 09:45–14:00 Seminarraum 3 , „includes 30 Minutes break“
11. Dezember 2024, 09:45–14:00 Seminarraum 3 , „includes 30 Minutes break“
08. Jänner 2025, 09:45–14:00 Seminarraum 3 , „includes 30 Minutes break“


Von 26. August 2024, 00:00 bis 14. Oktober 2024, 23:55
Per Online Anmeldung

Architektur (Master): Bereich Expertise: Instrumentarium: Digitale Prozesse 443/004.25

Mitbelegung: möglich

Besuch einzelner Lehrveranstaltungen: möglich