Strategy of Communication

Wojciech Czaja
Institut für Architektur, Institut für Architektur
2024W, wissenschaftliches Seminar (SEW), 2.0 ECTS, 2.0 SemStd., LV-Nr. S02694


Most Architects just open their mouths, and nobody understands what they are talking about. Technical expressions, a bit of pseudo philosophy, paired with poor communication skills. Do you know that kind of experience? 

This seminar and workshop will help you to learn how to express yourself in different situations talking to different target groups such as architects, clients, investors, tenants, children or local citizens. You will have the opportunity to practice building up a structure for short and long presentation runs, from 1-minute elevator pitches up to quarter-of-an-hour talks including how to deal with questions and interruptions.

Also, you will be given some helpful tools for how to catch your listeners' attention. Did I catch yours? If so, I am looking forward to working with you! 


During the lecture which rather is a seminar you will practice and observe different oral presentation situations. We will also work a bit on a written level. The final exam will, thus, include a dress rehearsal of your presentation, but also a written paper where you will be asked to write a short report on an architectural project from a very specific point of view to a very specific kind of audience.  


There will be no standardized hand-outs. I will work with you in a spontaneous way and react to your personal, specific needs. You may consider this workshop as a kind of confidential dress rehearsal for your mid-term and end-term reviews in your studios. Whatever you want to know, to learn, or to try out, just let me know! 

We will meet each other on Mondays. If you as a group prefer to have a blocked seminar instead, we might switch to another mode. I am open to that! 


Architektur, Innenarchitektur, Textkunst, Performance, Gespräch, Jury, Lesung, Moderation, Text


14. Oktober 2024, 12:30–14:00 Seminarraum 5
21. Oktober 2024, 12:30–14:00 Seminarraum 5
28. Oktober 2024, 12:30–14:00 Seminarraum 5
04. November 2024, 12:30–14:00 Seminarraum 5
18. November 2024, 12:30–14:00 Seminarraum 5
25. November 2024, 12:30–14:00 Seminarraum 5
13. Jänner 2025, 12:30–14:00 Seminarraum 5
20. Jänner 2025, 12:30–14:00 Seminarraum 5
27. Jänner 2025, 12:30–14:00 Seminarraum 5


Von 26. August 2024, 00:00 bis 11. Oktober 2024, 23:59
Per Online Anmeldung

Architektur (Master): Bereich Expertise: Instrumentarium: Kommunikation 443/004.11

Mitbelegung: möglich

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