Mikkel Rørbo

  • Universität für Angewandte Kunst Wien
  • Peter Weibel Forschungsinstitut für digitale Kulturen

Skills and Expertise

PhilosophyDigital ArtsMedia ArtCultural StudiesElectronic MusicMedia TheoryArtificial IntelligenceMachine Learning


  • Rosenbursenstraße 3 (Georg-Coch-Platz 2) - 1.OG
  • 1010 Wien

Curriculum Vitae

Mikkel Rørbo is an interdisciplinary researcher and, sometimes, artist and curator. He is currently a PhD candidate at the Peter Weibel Research Institute for Digital Cultures and holds degrees in philosophy and cultural studies from University of Copenhagen. His work focuses on the philosophical dimensions of living with machinic intelligences and speculative methods for critical engagement with emerging technologies. As an artist and curator, he has performed, released and exhibited internationally as well as collaborated with institutions, festivals and art spaces. He has written about and presented work on technology, philosophy and contemporary experiments in music.

Activity List