Tendencies: The Overview Effect



Mikkel Rørbo , Marjolijn Dijkman , SEAD collective , Jerry Galle , Kris Verdonck , Pierre Jean Giloux


Raphaël Stevens

Date, Location

  • 27 April 2019–09 June 2019 Bozar, BU, Belgium


Digital Arts, Artificial Intelligence, Sound Art, Sculpture

Exhibition Announcement

The Overview Effect The TENDENCIES exhibition focuses on works that question scientific and technological innovations as much as they incorporate them. For this fourth edition, it looks at our relationship with possible futures, be they dystopian or utopian. Sound and visual installations by six artists, Marjolijn Dijkman, Jerry Galle, Mikkel Rørbo, Kris Verdonck, Pierre Jean Giloux, and the SEAD collective, are brought together to provoke an overview effect, like that experienced by certain astronauts when they observe Earth from space and realise how fragile life is. Will artificial intelligence help all human beings to live together on Earth intelligently or, on the contrary, will it reveal our own limitations and those of our development strategy? TENDENCIES tries to find an answer…



  • Bozar, BU, Belgium
  • Belgium
Published By: Mikkel Rørbo | Universität für Angewandte Kunst Wien | Publication Date: 09 January 2024, 15:47 | Edit Date: 09 January 2024, 15:47