Topografien Wiener Spielkulturen

  • Ausstellung im base Karussell
Online Exhibition


Johanna Arco , Leonard Vincent Behrens , Christina Berger , Antonie Marie Bernadová , Aziz Duque , Alexandra Gašparovičová , Martin Gius , Mona Graf , Sofia Groß , Gökçe Elif Göbüt , Yuer Han , Tamás Hegyi , Patrik Howanitz , Ivan Jakaric , Matti Leon Kählke , Stefan Maier , Vladimir Nadein , Masao Ono , Laura Pega , Jakob Sam , Janine Scheer-Erb , Catherine Spet , En Su , Nikola Supukovic , Thomas Süß

Date, Location

  • 25 June 2024–30 November 2024 Universität für angewandte Kunst in Wien, Wien, Österreich (base Angewandte)


History of Architecture, Fine Arts, Cultural History, Cultural Studies, Game Research, Urban History


Homo Ludens can be found in various places in Vienna. The public space is their home, they appropriate the built structure of the city, make themselves comfortable in coffee houses and private salons. Viennese play cultures are diverse and contradictory, they are spaces of encounter, of inclusion and exclusion, they are removed from everyday life and Vienna is inconceivable without them, they take place in well-defined communities and random social constellations. Homo Ludens finds themeselves in places that give the current play a specific context due to their historical development. This context is “aufgehoben” in the Magic Circle. The “Topographies of Viennese Play Cultures” trace ludic traces in the city and scrutinise the special forms of collectivity that arise within the magic circle. The exhibition in the base Carousel invites visitors to approach the locations of play, to engage with topographical contexts and to trace the ongoing formatting of the city and the game. With contributions by Johanna Arco & Ivan Jakaric, Leonard Vincent Behrens, Christina Berger, Antonie Bernadová & Catherine Spet, Aziz Duque & Laura Pega, Alexandra Gašparovičová & Tamás Hegyi, Martin Gius & Gökçe Elif Göbüt, Mona Graf & Patrik Howanitz, Sofia Groß, Yuer Han & En Su, Matti Leon Kählke, Stefan Maier & Jakob Sam, Vladimir Nadein & Thomas Süß, Masao Ono, Janine Scheer-Erb & Nikola Supukovic. In joint discussions, excursions and guest lectures, Florian Bettel and Liddy Scheffknecht (Department of Cultural Studies), in cooperation with the Master’s degree programme Experimental Game Cultures, examined Vienna’s urban space together with the participating students in the winter semester 2023/24. The exhibition is the result of the research and invites you to trace the Homo Ludens in the urban area.



Activity List



  • Universität für angewandte Kunst in Wien, Wien, Österreich
  • Oskar-Kokoschka-Platz 2
  • 1010 Wien
  • Österreich

Associated Media Files

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Published By: Florian Bettel | Universität für Angewandte Kunst Wien | Publication Date: 14 June 2024, 12:35 | Edit Date: 22 June 2024, 19:27