Knowledge Economies of Games in Research Infrastructures

Participation at Conference


Veronika Kocher , Roessel, Lies van , Koenitz, Hartmut , Debbie Ding , Florian Bettel


  • 19 June 2023 10:00–17:00 Universidad de Sevilla, Facultad de Comunicación, Sevilla, Spanien


Game Research, Library Science, Institutionskritik


Anyone who has ever been in a library knows the letter and number codes inscribed on books, which mainly tell librarians but also readers in which fields or shelves to locate them. In some cases, these are just consecutive numbers and letters that define a location and a format, but most of the time it is an order system that is more or less finely divided into subject areas and sorted according to these resources. In libraries, all books and other resources (CDs, DVDs, microfilms, digital copies, image sources - even games) that are classified and recorded in this way are cross-read, evaluated according to various points of view and assigned. If one understands these classification systems not only as a classification tool, but considers them in their entirety as a map of the published media that have found their way into the public education canon, they provide a picture of an institutional knowledge economy.


Activity List



  • Universidad de Sevilla, Facultad de Comunicación, Sevilla, Spanien
  • Avenida Américo Vespucio s/n
  • 41092 Sevilla
  • Spanien

Associated Media Files

  • Image
Published By: Veronika Kocher | Universität für Angewandte Kunst Wien | Publication Date: 25 July 2023, 11:51 | Edit Date: 07 November 2023, 20:32