Experimental Game Cultures beyond Ludic Biedermeier!




  • 19. Oktober 2023–


Spielforschung, Spieltheorie, Vortrag, politik


In recent years, especially during and after the Covid pandemic, images, film, design and, above all, game worlds have emerged that promise an ideal world. As once in the Biedermeier era, people seem to retreat into beautiful little lovely worlds with actions free of any politics. In the game sector, this has led to the genres like Cozy Games or Wholesome Games. These games have been doing the rounds for a few years. They celebrate relaxation, seclusion and nostalgia. Is this an apolitical and non-reflective, even reactionary, view of the world in current game design? Is it rather used as a clever or cynical meta-perspective, as a mirror reflection of the (post?)-pandemic world? What is at the core of this fascinating phenomenon and what are the implications for our society, that obviously needs this kind of digital seclusion? And how do we understand these phenomena in design, culture and politics? These and other questions will be addressed in the two-day conference "gameZ & ruleZ - Mechanics of Digital Biedermeier in Games and Culture" on October 19 and 20, 2023.

Titel der Veranstaltung

Gamez & ruleZ. International Symposium Zürich


Gamelab Zürich , ZHdK


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Veröffentlicht Von: Margarete Jahrmann | Universität für Angewandte Kunst Wien | Veröffentlicht Am: 10. Februar 2024, 18:53 | Geändert Am: 19. Februar 2024, 09:05