The Poetical Anamnesis - Video Presentation

  • Practice Sharing / LBAR SIG

Datum, Ort

  • 30. März 2024


Poetry, Poetical Inquiry, Artistic Research, Medicine, Romanticism, Anamnesis, Third Agent, Crow, Mythology


Barb Macek | The Poetical Anamnesis The Poetical Anamnesis / PA is a technique to investigate the existential dimension of autoimmune diseases. It conceptualizes the autoimmune body as a modified and therefore poetic body. The symptoms of the disease are read as signs of an organism transforming into a poetical means of world modification. The application of the PA results in a lyrical series: With every new poem the patient is created as a transient poetical formation; new information emerges and becomes comprehensible, and the result is a gain of meaning on the aesthetic as well as on the medical and the personal side. The crow is the agent poétique or third agent within the PA. It is a mythical messenger with the ability to wander between the worlds. In a hospital environment it is conspicuously misplaced – challenging the clinical environment, inviting a change of perspectives, inviting transgressions.


8 Minuten




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Veröffentlicht Von: Barbara Macek | Universität für Angewandte Kunst Wien | Veröffentlicht Am: 08. April 2024, 10:13 | Geändert Am: 08. April 2024, 10:20