Mirjam Ida Kislinger

  • Universität für Angewandte Kunst Wien

Fachwissen Und Kompetenz

ModeDesignTextilarbeitTextiltechnikKonzeptuelle KunstPerformance


Mirjam Ida Kislinger has acquired knowledge in various aspects of the fashion discipline over the last ten years. After training as a tailor, she focused on conceptual fashion design and multi-layer weaving techniques during her bachelor's degree at the Linz University of Art. In the studio of Hussein Chalayan in London, she gained experience in the industry and in craftsmanship. In her master's degree at the Swedish School of Textiles, she focused on the relationship between people and garments. She is currently deepening her knowledge on the subject and exploring how the empathy aspect of garments can contribute to a more sustainable fashion industry in the artistic field. The belief that a radical rethink is needed if we are to achieve a long-term model for living in harmony with all species is what motivates her critical and speculative design approach.
