Media Horror, Emerging Technology, and Machine Intelligence





  • 16. März 2024 13:00–14:30 Los Angeles, CA, USA, Online (Killscreen)


Digitale Kunst, Videoinstallation, Hauntology, Esotericism, Moderation, Gespräch


Join us for a discussion between Henrik Soederstroem, the artist of “Spirit Interface,” and Mikkel Rørbo, an interdisciplinary researcher and sometimes artist and curator. Mikkel is currently a Ph.D. candidate at the Peter Weibel Research Institute for Digital Cultures in Vienna. His work focuses on speculative methods for critical engagement with emerging technologies and hauntological aspects of machine intelligence. Henrik’s artistic practice centers around themes of virtuality and reality, often seen through the lens of horror and the supernatural. Henrik’s 2023 MFA thesis, “Media Horror,” investigates how works of horror fiction engage with media technologies. Mikkel will give a short presentation, and then the two will discuss speculative fiction, haunted media, the digital eerie, and esotericism in the virtual plane. This talk will be held in-person in Los Angeles and over Zoom. You are welcome to join us in the exhibition space at Killscreen or join the call using the link.


Mikkel Rørbo , Henrik Soederstroem



  • Los Angeles, CA, USA
  • Los Angeles
  • United States
  • Online


  • Bild
Veröffentlicht Von: Mikkel Rørbo | Universität für Angewandte Kunst Wien | Veröffentlicht Am: 04. März 2024, 11:11 | Geändert Am: 14. März 2024, 11:03