Silent Desire, Burning Passion, Bodies in Motion



  • 07 July 2006–08 July 2006 Wien (Österreich) (Filmmuseum Wien)


Arts, Media Research, Psychoanalyse



Silent desire, Burning passion, bodies in motion A Collage of Film and Text What attracts us? What carries us away? From sublime attraction to passionate transports, and within the framework of neuroscience and psychoanalysis, a multiplicity of relationships are presented and examined in text and film. The programme opens with excerpts from Hollywood melodramas which feature the sublime yet timeless bodies of formal perfection. These perfect bodies—undoubtedly objects of attraction—will be successively contrasted with the cinematic physical body, particularly how it has been thematised in avant-garde cinema. Subtly, the focus will shift from motivist to material, from manifest to latent and from culturalism to brutism as the real origin of libidinous energy. In the cinematic body a motif suppressed by mainstream films returns, which inaugurates the ecstatic moments of of the figurativity.

Title of Event

Love & Hate. A Challenge for Contemporary Neurobiology.


Medical University of Vienna (A. Ruhs, S. Huck)
Published By: Gabriele Jutz | Universität für Angewandte Kunst Wien | Publication Date: 09 May 2022, 10:33 | Edit Date: 24 November 2022, 09:06