Age Transitions Crossing Childhood, Youth and Old Age: Approaching Space and Age Relationally from an Urban Everyday Life Perspective

  • Künstlerische
Chapter (Peer-Reviewed)


Korinna Lindinger , Gabauer, Angelika , Knierbein, Sabine


Tabea Freutel-Funke , Wanka, Anna , Andresen, Sabine , Frank, Oswald

Publisher, Date

Routledge, 2024


This chapter explores how theorizations of relational space in urban studies may conceptually inform relational conceptions of age. In doing so, it introduces the working concept of ‘age transitions’, whereby transition is framed as a socio-spatial and historically contingent condition of lifelong ageing. By drawing on three empirical research endeavours concerned with differently framed age groups – childhood, youth and old age –, the chapter argues that theorizing everyday life offers conceptual foundations for understanding experiences of age and space in relation to each other. This heralds geographies of everyday life not just as spatial interface where micro-, meso- and macro-dimensions of age transitions collide and coalesce, but also as an analytical entry perspective to understand and grasp the contingency of age. By taking a relational perspective of space and age seriously the authors contribute to a linking ages perspective.

Activity List

Published By: Korinna Lindinger | Universität für Angewandte Kunst Wien | Publication Date: 08 February 2024, 14:13 | Edit Date: 04 September 2024, 15:38