Porn Film Festival Vienna

  • The great Masturbatress
Film Festival


  • 01 July 2020– Wien, Österreich (Porn Film Festival Vienna)


Feministische Pornographie Feminist Pornography


The great Masturbatress 2019, 1:14 min, DCP/h264 Director: Alexandra Zaitseva Camera: Lars Kollros The video is a pornographic satire — was uploaded to the largest porn-sites under the title „The great masturbatress“. This is an attack and a feminist answer of the artist to the toxic masculinity of mass pornography.

Activity List



  • Wien, Österreich
  • Vienna
  • Austria

Associated Media Files

  • Image
Published By: Sascha Alexandra Zaitseva | Universität für Angewandte Kunst Wien | Publication Date: 09 May 2022, 11:25 | Edit Date: 24 November 2022, 09:26