The Essence 2017

  • the Essence 2017


  • 27 June 2017– wien (Österreich)


Design (Fine Arts), Fine Arts, Media Design



The highlight of an academic year at the Angewandte is the annual exhibition "The Essence". "The Essence" showcases the origins and development processes of selected individual and group projects by students and graduates from the preceding winter and summer semesters. They represent the various art and design departments as extraordinary idea workshops with their own unique profile. Together with lecturers and students curators organise an exhibtion of the most intriguing projects Architecture, Industrial Design, Fine Arts, Stage Design, Design, Conservation and Restoration, Media Art, and Language Art, staging them in a prominent museum context in Vienna: art and design as a seismograph of a changing society, as a form-giver of society, as an institution that provokes change.

Activity List

Published By: Virgil Widrich | Universität für Angewandte Kunst Wien | Publication Date: 10 May 2022, 04:51 | Edit Date: 24 November 2022, 09:13