Stencil Stories

  • D&AD New Blood Winner
Advertising Campaign


Kampagne, Typografie, Poster, Motion Picture, Graffiti, Graphic Design, Interactive Art, Interventionist Art


Key4Life helps former offenders of knife crime to rehabilitate and live a life without crime and violence. Our interactive campaign "Stencil Storie" aims to rethink the knife as a constructive tool. Programm attendees of Key4Life express what made them change their lives with the help of self-made stencil artworks. Typographic workshops introduce them to creative ways of sharing feelings and reoccupying public space. The campaign amplifies their voices – right in the streets, where a mentor's advice is most needed. In collaboration with city councils and local communities, urban gathering places are our canvas. Viewed from the top, the installations work as motifs for posters.

Activity List

Associated Media Files

  • Video
  • Image
  • Image
Published By: Martin Klaffensteiner | Universität für Angewandte Kunst Wien | Publication Date: 09 May 2022, 10:23 | Edit Date: 24 November 2022, 09:10