Kein schöner Archiv: Zucht und Ordnung

Lecture Performance


  • 20 December 2020– HAU Hebbel am Ufer, Berlin, Deutschland


Blood is thicker than water: for a few years now, videos have been trending on Youtube where people open the results of their genetic testing in front of a live camera. These results situate the gene pool of those tested on the globe. A new genre presents the dramas of an insecure society: Today, genetic research alone is supposed to determine what connects people. The dramas of an uncertain society present a new genre: genetic ancestry, national identity and carefully cultivated family histories collide in these videos. Why do people search for their self-image in their blood at all? Since 2018, the discussion series “Kein schöner Archiv” has documented the immaterial legacy of the post-migrant society. This also includes the historically determined knowledge of descent, origin and kinship. An evening exploring origin and heteronormativity - genealogical research as a culture technique long believed forgotten. After three issues in 2019, Michael Annoff and Nuray Demir return to HAU with a Christmas edition of “Kein schöner Archiv”. With Hengameh Yaghoobifarah, Nanna Heidenreich, Sabuha Salaam and Joana Tischkau. Production: Michael Annoff und Nuray Demir. Funded by: Multi-sector funding by the Berlin Senate Department for Culture and Europe. In cooperation with: HAU Hebbel am Ufer.

Activity List



  • HAU Hebbel am Ufer, Berlin, Deutschland
  • Berlin
  • Deutschland
Published By: Nanna Heidenreich | Universität für Angewandte Kunst Wien | Publication Date: 09 May 2022, 11:41 | Edit Date: 24 November 2022, 09:30