• A Survey of the Photographic and the Filmic in Contemporary Art
FWF PEEK Project

Project Lead

Lissel, Edgar

Project Partners

Gabriele Jutz , Jukić, Nina


01 March 2016–28 February 2019


Arts, Media Research, Artistic research, Photography, Film



– Project team (Vienna): Edgar Lissel (project leader), Nina Jukić, Gabriele Jutz – Project partners: Hubertus von Amelunxen (Germany, Switzerland) Austrian Filmmuseum – Participating artists: Gustav Deutsch (Austria) David Gatten (USA) Sandra Gibson and Luis Recoder (USA) Rosângela Rennó (Brazil) Hanna Schimek (Austria) Gebhard Sengmüller (Austria) – External experts: Ruth Horak (Austria) Jan Kaila (Finland, Sweden) Kim Knowles (Great Britain) Barnaby Dicker (Great Britain) This project gathered together artists and scholars to investigate artistic practices that are motivated by the idea of the photographic and the filmic but do not necessarily result in photographs or films. Far from romanticizing the pre-digital/analog past, RESET THE APPARATUS! asserts a critical engagement with photography and film based on opto-mechanics and/or photo-chemistry and reflects the rich potential that can result from artistic practices that modify, repurpose, or even dismantle the conventional apparatus. The photographic and filmic, as the site of innumerable productive contaminations, generate insights into the contingent nature of their apparatuses and provoke new forms of artistic production. In the light of today’s indulgence in digital media, the return to allegedly outdated media manifests as a resolute resistance to the norm, thereby fulfilling a critical function. RESET THE APPARATUS! A Survey of the Photographic and the Filmic in Contemporary Art, ed. by Edgar Lissel, Gabriele Jutz, Nina Jukić. Berlin/Boston: Walter de Gruyter 2019 (Edition Angewandte). Visit our website,



Funding Category




Activity List

Published By: Gabriele Jutz | Universität für Angewandte Kunst Wien | Publication Date: 10 May 2022, 04:57 | Edit Date: 10 May 2023, 11:29