Tracing Decay

  • Virtual Reality Exhibition
Online Exhibition


Barbara Graf , Huda Lutfi , Daniel Reidy


Nagla Samir

Date, Location

  • 15 March 2021– Online




Tracing Decay is a project that aims at reloading memory of impactful art, that countered decay and interference, proving that forgetting was not necessarily a deconstructive state for the sake of pure entropy. An invitation to explore, revisit and reinvent profound visions in a new context; one that embarks on existing works by artists willing to embrace the change of state. A chance for self-rediscovery and representation beyond brick and mortar; where previously hosted projects in physical space can now become a part of a virtual story. Creating unique scenarios that explore the potential of Virtual Reality as an immersive medium, with the intent to enhance the audience experience. Featuring selected projects by Barbara Graf, Huda Lutfi, Daniel Reidy and featuring Greg Pond. Produced by Art in Reverb, in collaboration with Womb Tech. Curated and directed by Nagla Samir.



  • Online
Published By: Barbara Graf | Universität für Angewandte Kunst Wien | Publication Date: 09 May 2022, 11:44 | Edit Date: 24 November 2022, 09:31