Monu Magazine for Urbanism #37/2024: A Plea for the Right to Conflict. Exploring (A-)Social Green for all in Vienna's Municipal Housing



Monu Magazine for Urbanism

Publisher, Location, Date

BOARD Publishers, Rotterdam, ZH, Niederlande, 14 October 2024


Social Design, urbanism, social housing



Entering the meadow, cycling, playing soccer, making noise, feeding birds, skating – all prohibited. In Vienna's municipal housing prohibition signs are omnipresent, intended to maintain peace and quiet among residents. Nowhere else is life so characterized by neighborly relationships as in social housing. In the social confines of municipal housing, small differences can quickly turn into major conflicts. The signs are supposed to keep the peace among residents. But the fear towards conflicts has consequences: The inner courtyards are empty. A field full of unused opportunities, spread across the entire city...

Published By: Christina Schraml | Universität für Angewandte Kunst Wien | Publication Date: 14 November 2024, 09:30 | Edit Date: 14 November 2024, 09:30