The Art of Migration



Goethe-Institut , Gwangju Biennale , Martin-Gropius-Bau


  • 05 March 2018–07 March 2018 Berlin, Deutschland


Workshop (2) in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Goethe-Institut Seoul, Gwangju Biennale, Martin-Gropius-Bau Berlin. 05.-07.03.2018 Berlin "The art of migration" is meant as a sort of double – or multiple – entendre: referring to the inventive and resourceful – artful – strategies of migration as well as to the field of art as a vehicle for organizing migration (including social sculptures which create residency statuses, the international biennial circuit which creates, parallels and accompanies movements of migration and migrant labor within the field of art). The art of migration also concerns the special interest of the art world (at least in the last decade or so) in projects on/with migration, as well as the reflection and conceptualization of migration with and through artistic practices. To discuss the art of migration also means pondering questions on the relation of form and content: how to do art with/on/in migration? what does it mean to think about migration through curatorial frameworks? And what could those be? Instead of asking – as in the first workshop – what forms migration and what form does migration take and how are these forms addressed and narrativized – we now want to ask how we translate the claim, that migration challenges representation into new practices.

Activity List



  • Berlin, Deutschland
  • Berlin
  • Deutschland
Published By: Nanna Heidenreich | Universität für Angewandte Kunst Wien | Publication Date: 09 May 2022, 10:49 | Edit Date: 24 November 2022, 09:09