Docker Intro Workshop



Feminist Linux Meetup Vienna


  • 20 April 2024– 14:00–18:00 Eichenstraße 2, Vienna, Austria


Linux, Containerisation, Virtualisation, DevOps


In this workshop you will get to know the containerisation concept in practice, based on using Docker as our containerisation engine. After a short intro we’ll sturt up the Docker Playground and create and manage our first containers. Based on the Play with Docker Classroom we will look at the different modes we can use with Docker to start isolated containers and create networks, so that these containers can talk to each other. At the end we will orchestrate several containers, in order to build a microservice.



  • Eichenstraße 2, Vienna, Austria
  • Eichenstraße 2
  • 1120 Vienna
  • Austria

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Published By: Andrea Klaura | Universität für Angewandte Kunst Wien | Publication Date: 28 May 2024, 10:13 | Edit Date: 05 February 2025, 11:10