Animating Truth(s)

  • The Films of Maria Lassnig and Their Context

Publisher, Location, Date

Ed. Gabriele Jutz/University of Applied Arts Vienna, Wien, Österreich, 2019


Experimental Animation , Maria Lassnig, Hubert Sielecki, Studio of Experimental Animation


Publisher's Announcement

"Animating Truth(s)" by Gabriele Jutz examines some of the experimental animated films made by Maria Lassnig, her colleagues and students of the University of Applied Arts’ Studio for Experimental Animation (founded in 1982 by Lassnig and Hubert Sielecki), and films by international, non-Lassnig/Studio film artists, all of whom share Lassnig’s attitude to filmmaking in regard to both content (such as issues related to gender, the environment, technological change, and war), and her material approach to media, based on low-tech and low-budget working methods.

Language, Format, Material, Edition


Published By: Gabriele Jutz | Universität für Angewandte Kunst Wien | Publication Date: 09 May 2022, 11:48 | Edit Date: 24 November 2022, 09:33