Kino a.a.O. (Diplom)

  • Filmische Aufführungspraktiken in öffentlichen Räumen
Diploma Thesis


Marlies Pöschl

Location, Date

Universität für angewandte Kunst in Wien, Wien, Österreich, 2010


Stadtraum, Projektion, Filmvorführung, öffentlicher Raum


What happens if we consider cinema no longer a black box, but an apparatus that can be shifted to different places? What are the relations that can then occur between film, place and spectators? Kino a.a.O.-cinema on an_other site- investigates the potential of site specific film screenings for contemporary European urban spaces, for the films as well as their viewers. This work takes cinema as an installational practice which reflects on the conventions of film presentation in the institutions cinema and museum. It extends institutional critique to cinema and discusses art works that engage with the material and social conditions of this institution. Furthermore, the development of the term site specificity is traced back to the 1960es and then transcribed to site specific film projections. Place is here considered to be an intertextual palimpsest-the projected film refers, like an (inter-)text, to other places. Through the projection, this relation as well as the actual location and its hidden layers of meaning are made visible and are added to each other, as in a palimpsest. Three contemporary projects that operate between artistic and curatorial practice were analysed because of their distinctive understanding of public spaces. IGVFest (International Guerilla Video Festival) , which is curated by Jason Waite, perceives public space as a surface of signs and inscriptions, whereas the project Kinoapparatom by Simone Schardt and Wolf Schmelter deals with semi-public spaces and the ways how the public sphere is produced through use and artistic intervention. Michelle Teran's work Friluftskino, on the other hand, engages in the impacts of borders between private and public in virtual spaces as well as their overlapping with real space.

Language, Format, Material, Edition


Activity List



  • Universität für angewandte Kunst in Wien, Wien, Österreich
  • Oskar-Kokoschka-Platz 2
  • 1010 Wien
  • Österreich
Published By: Gabriele Jutz | Universität für Angewandte Kunst Wien | Publication Date: 09 May 2022, 11:48 | Edit Date: 31 October 2023, 12:22