Cute Accelerationism

  • Lecture Performance & Workshop


Maya B. Kronic , Amy Ireland


  • 16 May 2024– 17:00–20:00 Universität für angewandte Kunst in Wien, Wien, Österreich (FLUX 2)


cuteness, accelerationism, Media Theory, Media History, Digital Humanities, Digital Arts


Why is cuteness so powerful, and what is it doing to us? In this performance-lecture Amy Ireland and Maya B. Kronic will explore the symptomatology, aetiology, epidemiology, history, biology, etymology, topology, and even embryology of Cute, burrowing down into its natural, cultural, sensory, sexual, subjective, erotic, and semiotic dimensions in order to sound out the latent spaces of this Thing that has an irresistible hold on contemporary culture. Their book, Cute Accelerationism, was recently released on Urbanomic and delves further into this exploration. After the lecture-performance, Ireland & Kronic will lead a workshop asking: How do we define Cute? How many forms can it take and what sensory domains does it belong to? Where does it begin and end? In this workshop we work together to further explore the nature of cuteness. Please register here for the workshop:



  • Universität für angewandte Kunst in Wien, Wien, Österreich
  • Oskar-Kokoschka-Platz 2
  • 1010 Wien
  • Österreich

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Published By: Angewandte PeterWeibelForschungsinstitut | Universität für Angewandte Kunst Wien | Publication Date: 14 May 2024, 15:52 | Edit Date: 14 May 2024, 15:52