Poetical Anamnesis

  • Talking with the Crow


Cocker, Emma , Cordula Daus , Alexander Damianisch , Lena Séraphin


  • 06 October 2023 11:00–12:00 Wien, Österreich


Sprachbasierte künstlerische Forschung, Poesie, Anamnese, poetry, anamnesis, Medizin, medical humanities, Literature, Lecture, Text Art


As part of "Convocation II", a gathering organized by the Language-based Artistic Research SIG of the Society of Artistic Research / SAR, this workshop introduced the Poetical Anamnesis / PA as a technique, developed by Barb Macek to investigate the existential dimension of autoimmune diseases. It conceptualizes the autoimmune body as a modified and therefore poetic body. The symptoms of the disease are read as signs of an organism transforming into a poetical means of world modification. The aim of the PA is to capture these signs. The crow is the agent poétique within the PA. It is a mythical messenger with the ability to wander between the worlds. In a hospital environment it is conspicuously misplaced – challenging the clinical environment, inviting transgressions. How will the patient react to its presence?



  • Wien, Österreich
  • Vienna
  • Austria

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Published By: Barbara Macek | Universität für Angewandte Kunst Wien | Publication Date: 06 November 2023, 08:16 | Edit Date: 06 November 2023, 17:13